Review of LTI and CNGS Controls

(CNGS up to and including the target)

Tuesday, July 10th 2001, 08:45

SPS Auditorium


Identify the systems that will be needed to control LTI and CNGS equipment
Examine the interfaces between these systems and the SPS and LHC accelerator controls
Identify areas where new initiatives are required
Clarify controls responsibilities and milestones at all levels


08:50 Introduction Robin Lauckner
Session 1 Setting the Scene - chair Volker Mertens
09:00 Projects Overview (15') Volker Mertens
09:20 Operational Issues(15') Gianluigi Arduini / Karel Cornelis
09:40 Instrumentation Requirements (15') Malika Meddahi
10:00 COFFEE
Session 2 Low-Level Controls - chair Robin Lauckner
10:30 Vacuum (15') Isabelle Laugier
10:50 Magnets (10') Pierre Dahlen
11:05 Power Converters (15') Jean-Denis Hundzinger
11:25 Beam Instrumentaion (20') Jean-Jacques Gras
11:50 Extraction, Injection and Beam Obstacles (20') Etienne Carlier
12:15 LUNCH
Session 3 Special Topics - Marc Vanden Eynden
14:00 Technical Services (15') Pierre Ninin
14:20 Network and Communications (15') Jean-Jacques Gottraux
14:40 Interlocks (15') Jörg Wenninger
15:00 INB Issues (10') John Poole
15:15 TEA
Session 4 Central Controls - chair Mike Lamont
15:45 Controls Infrastructure (20') Pedro Ribeiro
16:10 Application Software (15') Marc Vanden Eynden
16:30 SPS Extraction (15') Michel Jonker
16:50 LHC Injection (15') Mike Lamont
17:10 UTC Timing for CNGS (10') Gary Beetham
17:20 Discussion and Conclusions Robin Lauckner
Organising Committee - Mike Lamont, Robin Lauckner, Volker Mertens and Marc Vanden Eynden.
Last Modified 7 August , 2001 RJL, NBL Mailing list for review: proj-lti-controls-review