The Third LHC Controls Project Workshop

21 - 22 March 2002, Building 40-SS-D01


Session 1: Thursday 21st March, 14:00 - 14:15


14:00 Welcome S. Myers
14:05 Workshop Aims R. Lauckner

Session 2: Thursday 21st March, 14:15 - 17:30

Control Systems for the SPS and Transfer Lines and Implications for the LHC

Chair: M. Lamont

14:15 SPS2001, towards a Common Control System? M. Lamont
14:40 Installation and Commissioning Plans V. Mertens
14:55 Equipment Groups Control Requirements A. Daneels
15:15 Hardware Interlocks J. Wenninger
15:30 Application Software V. Paris
15:45 Coffee
16:05 Controls Infrastructure - General P. Charrue
16:30 Infrastructure - Analogue Acquisition E. Ciapala
16:45 Infrastructure - Timing G. Beetham
17:00 Infrastructure - Timestamping A. Bland
17:15 Infrastructure - Middleware V. Baggiolini

Session 3: Friday 22nd March, 09:00 - 12:15

UNICOS Framework and Industrial Control Systems

Chair: Ph. Gayet

09:00 UNICOS Principles and History C-H. Sicard
09:20 UNICOS Components and developments H. Milcent
09:50 Cryogenics with UNICOS M. Pezzetti
10:10 Gas Control for Experiments with UNICOS R. Barillere
10:30 Coffee
10:50 Fieldbus Support G. Baribaud
11:10 Vacuum Solution R. Gavaggio
11:35 RF Controls A. Butterworth
11:55 Quench Protection Controls H. Milcent

Session 4: Friday 22nd March, 14:00 - 17:30

Experience from String 2 and Summaries

Chair: R. Saban/ M. Vanden Eynden

Experience from String 2
14:00 Power Converters Q. King
14:20 Quench Protection R. Denz
14:40 Logging and DAQ M. Peryt


15:00 LHC Logging R. Billen
15:20 Cryogenic Instrumentation and Controls P. Gomes
15:40 Coffee  
16:00 QRL Reception Test Requirements J. Casas-Cubillos
16:20 SPS and Transfer Lines M. Lamont
16:40 Industrial Control and UNICOS P. Gayet
17:00 String 2 Experience R. Saban
17:20 Final Remarks R. Lauckner




Updated 8th April, 2002


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